Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022

Alvarez & Marsal veröffentlicht "A&M Valuation Insights"

February 22, 2022

At A&M Valuation Germany we provide insights on pricing dynamics and the associated impact on asset values.

In a 10-year comparison, only pandemic resilient industries continue to trade at a premium. As such, Materials, Healthcare, Online Retail & Trade and IT rank highest among industries. A 1-year comparison, however, shows declining trading pricing levels across all industries, except for IT.

While EV’s are still rising by a combination of stock price increases and higher debt burdens, previously suppressed growth and earnings levels seem to have recovered and largely factored into trading multiple pricing levels compared to a year ago. Hence, at still high stock prices, multiples seem to adjust to recovered growth and earnings levels.

Finally, we contrast German trading multiple levels with prices paid in European M&A transactions 2-yearsprior to Covid and since the outbreak of the pandemic by industry.

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